The parents of small children are getting away with murder.It’s sick, it’s unjust, and it is happening all over the United States. When Casey Anthony was allowed to walk free because the case of her allegedly killing her daughter Caylee Anthony was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt. In other words the prosecution could not place Casey Anthony at the scene murdering her child.

Yes, I know what I am saying sounds horrible, and I am placing blame on a young mother, but obviously something is wrong with the fact that Casey Anthony was allowed to walk out of jail and to live her life in freedom after her daughter died, and she lied about the child’s whereabouts. She lied about who took her child. She went out and partied like it was 1999, and had a great time doing exactly what she wanted without having to take care of her precious little daughter.

Now, almost on a daily basis, we are seeing that more children are suddenly missing from their homes. They are gone, without a trace. And I for one am blaming the widely publicized Casey Anthony case for this rash of missing children. If this case had not been pushed at people by the media on a daily basis, then we would not have known so much about this case. People learned how to murder a small child, and then how to cover up the crime. In a sense I am blaming this oversensationalized case, and the media for publicizing the Casey Anthony case everyday.

Since Casey Anthony walked out of jail and is living a life of freedom, many small children across the United States have become missing. This is happening to little kids, and it is sick. And yes, I am allowing my emotions to get the better of me. But someone has to speak up for the small children who are becoming faces of the missing seen on posters, and on the side of milk cartons.

It’s to the point where I do not want to watch the news anymore at all. I just want to put blinders on, so I can’t see what horrible things parents are doing to their small, helpless, unable to defend themselves children.